Wow!!! Indeed! I thought I knew more than most about science, as well as Steiner's four elements and their connectios to the higher and fallen ethers. Nice to be humbled by an everyday phenomenon about which my naïve intuition was completely wrong!! Makes me wonder - how does the electro-magnetic radiation associated with a copper or glass-fibre network cable compare with that of WiFi when it comes to human health?

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Thanks so much for the response and question, David. I can't speak to the comparison with any definitive knowledge. However, I worked with a Physics guy in the Waldorf movement quite awhile ago, and he convinced me that we likely wanted to look at the frequency ranges various technologies work within, and ask questions about resonance with biological tissue, even at very low power levels.

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Wow!!! My mind is spinning. Glad I just taught elementary!!🤪

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'electron worship' - so true - it's a worship of what Spiritual Science calls sub-nature.

We can expreience the Elements:




Warmth or fire is the intermediary to the higher ethers


Tone Ether

Light Ether

Below the 4 Elements are the fallen sub-earthly elements:



Atomic power

How can we redeeem them?

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